Oath of Office Delegate Mike Watson This past weekend, we held a ceremony where we were joined by over one hundred family members, friends, supporters, and members of Boy Scout Troop 103 to watch Mike as he was sworn in as the new Delegate for Virginia’s 93rd District. Mike rode to Richmond in a bus with over fifty friends, and he was joined in Richmond by over fifty more supporters, friends, and family members. The day’s events included a tour of the Capitol, the swearing-in ceremony, and a reception near his new office in the General Assembly Building afterwards. Mike was sworn in by the House Clerk Paul Nardo with his family nearby, and his father sitting in same chair that Mike will occupy when the House is in Session. We were also able to recognize the achievement that several friends from Troop 103 made by attaining the rank of Eagle Scout. Mike presented these scouts with Commendation Certificates from the Virginia House of Delegates. “Never forget where I came from. That’s what I intend to keep in mind when making decisions and placing votes.” Watson said.  Watson Holds Telephone Town Hall On Thursday night, we hosted a telephone town hall event where Mike was able to connect with over 2,000 constituents across the 93rd District. Callers had the opportunity participate in a question and answer style town hall so that we could update them on important legislation we are working on in Richmond, while simultaneously receiving questions and feedback from the audience to understand how constituents felt about key issues. We were able to poll the audience to get feedback on topics that will help guide Mike’s legislative decisions, and shape his focus for the duration of the Session. Thank you to everyone who participated in the telephone town hall. If you could not participate, if we could not get to your question because of time constraints, or if you have any questions or concerns that arise, please do not hesitate to contact our office at delmwatson@house.virginia.gov, or give us a call at (757) 645-5298, and we will get back to you. Week 1 Legislative Update Despite only a week’s worth of experience in the General Assembly, we have been working hard to promote workforce development, job creation, education, and tax reform. We have submitted four budget amendments. Two of these will allow for building improvements that are desperately needed at William and Mary. Another budget amendment we have submitted will allow Jefferson Labs to purchase important equipment and make enhancements to their free electron laser. This will enhance current research at Jefferson labs, and it will pave the way for more research in the future. The other budget amendment we have submitted will increase the workforce development fund available to community colleges for non-credit courses to train individuals for technical jobs and put Virginians back to work. Mike is a co-patron on a bill that will promote BPOL tax reform. This bill will provide encouragement for businesses seeking to expand or move to Virginia, and it will help keep Virginia the most business-friendly state in the nation. Mike is also carrying a bill to improve efficiency and reduce costs by allowing Virginia Information Technologies Association to procure goods in a specific manner without having to go through lengthy and costly paperwork. This bill is part of the Governor’s initiative to promote efficiency and reduce waste within the state government. These are only a few of the many initiatives that Mike has personally been working on so far this year to help keep Virginia one of the best states to live and do business. If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please contact our office at DelMWatson@house.virginia.gov, or call us at (804) 698-1093. |
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