| Wednesday, 07 December 2011 Remember, then write to win - Our memory isn't what it used to be, but when it comes to the holidays we sure have some humdingers from the past. We know you do, too - of both the "no way!" and "awww, so sweet" varieties and all in between. We'll be publishing our readers' holiday memories over this Christmas season and our winner will receive a massage from Victoria's Day Spa in Yorktown. This, dear friends, is the perfect antidote to holiday madness. Email your favorite holiday memory to holiday@wydaily.com. Deadline to enter is 5 p.m. Dec. 15. If you are a person of fewer words, try your hand at our holiday haiku contest. Same deadline and prize, just limit yourself to 17 syllables. Click here for details. TODAY'S HEADLINES WJCC SB Hears Progress of Advancement Coaches Middle Schoolers Face Charges after Lunchroom Incident A Moment of Silence to Mark Pearl Harbor Community Notebook: CW Hosts Naturalization Ceremony; Adopt a Family for Christmas Dominion CEO to Chair CW Foundation Wilson’s 30-Point Effort Leads Grafton Over Bruton 66-43 in Girls Basketball The Score: Bay Rivers Girls, Private School Boys Basketball Results from Tuesday (Dec. 6) Frugal Jena: Mason Jar Christmas Gifts Robert Gates to Speak at WM Charter Day York Man Charged with Crimes Against Child York County SB Terminates Contract with Dare Elementary Contractor White Knuckles: 'Tis the Season for Plans to Go Awry RECENT HEADLINES CW Plans Reconstruction of Tin Shop; Mars' Philanthropy Continues Legislators to City: Don't Expect Much State Funding ECOfreak: Meet Concrete Jack WJCC Student Performances Scheduled for Thursday McDonnell Works witih Labor Groups, Not Legislature, for Time-Off Reform More Accolades for W&M's Grimes Frugal Jena: Coby Jammerz Earphones only $3.99 More Stories |  |
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