Whttp Patriots! | ||||
APRIL 28 | ||||
| show details 5:18 PM (1 hour ago) |
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TPP New Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0OA4lLHA6VGkpl1Lsa7j644QSFQPuErqwuS6ORBKzLb-LSJP1im3TyfFs4Tse2pf8vdl7amK0hw2HGjzXoAGOfR-SN8N-T71ZjbKDUl4nmTjHcuulWTxZo]
They've said:
"The Tea Party is not growing. They are not strong. You do not need to worry about
how they will react to your vote."
"If you do not like what we are doing, and don't vote with us, you should get the
hell out."
Those sound like words from the White House or Senate leaders don't they? But they're
not. These were comments made by Republican House Leadership and their allies behind
closed doors.
Much of Congress and the White House and the Republican leadership in the House,
used our military as a negotiating chip while service men and women risked their
lives for us.
Washington then passed a budget deal using fuzzy math that only cut $352 million:
$99,648,000,000 short of the $100 billion promised. They spend roughly $6 million
per minute, so that's 51 minutes of spending.
Have you had enough yet? Do you like being downplayed and disregarded by the Party
who won a majority based on our core values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally
limited government, and free markets? How do you feel about the military being used
as a bargaining chip, not just by the Democrats but also by the Republicans? How
would you feel if you were standing up for our core values in a meeting and told
that you could get the hell out for standing up for those values?
Some may be so frustrated that fighting seems pointless. The system is corrupt and
sometimes it seems impossible to overcome the corruption. Some ask, "Why fight a
fight that seems like it cannot be won?" We understand that for some, the frustration
can be overwhelming.
Thankfully, our Founding Fathers didn't give up, and they were fighting against
odds far greater than these, and taking far greater risks. We cannot give up. We
must continue to stand.
We must dig in, stick to our values and fight for what we believe in. We are not
just fighting for ourselves but for the future of this nation.
As Congress emerges from its spring recess we are faced with two more critical battles:
the potential debt ceiling increase and the budget for fiscal year 2012.
Patriots across the nation must stand up now to be heard. Now is the time to tell
your Congressman we've had enough of their meaningless backroom deals and infighting.
We expect real changes now. And for those in office who are standing with us, we
must let them know we are standing with them.
This Thursday, April 28th at 12:30pm local time, Patriots across the nation will
head to their Congressman's local office to share their thoughts as constituents.
Click here for more details. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2BMb-81_YbiLYw3_xGPCFbRD0JmeD8VrkFwx-HM8pmbzeJ58OGXrhpFfkZmkZX6yZzc88hRIG-U2cZNEq1NaXp68z9pjnYlhKB2DAjqYtWwj9NSuSie2ct]
We need to tell them to deal in their districts, not in Washington. Our deal is
1.' No Debt Ceiling Increase'. Do not raise the debt ceiling. Our credit
is maxed out and it is time to cut America's credit card.
2. Support the 'Full Faith and Credit Act'. Urge them to support the Full
Faith and Credit Act introduced by Sen. Toomey. This will insure that America
pays our debt first and does not default on it.
3. No Tax Increases. Tell them not to raise taxes. Tax increases at this
stage in our economy will further slow the economic recovery. They have enough
revenue to run the government.
Tell them they work for you and your neighbors and you are watching them closely.
You expect they will ensure open and honest debates around these issues in the coming
Ask your Congressman or their staff how they will vote and report back to us. We
will send a follow up email on Friday with a means to do that. We are going to
make a record of how they plan to vote on the following items. Please be sure to
ask these questions:
· *Will you vote to increase the debt limit or not?
· *Will you vote to pass the Full Faith and Credit Act to ensure America does not default on its debt?
· *If it is a Senator, will you use Rule 14 to bring the Full Faith and Credit Act to a vote on the Senate floor?
· *Will you vote against tax increases?
Click here now to get more information on how you can talk to your member of Congress
Can't make it to your local district office at 12:30pm on Thursday? Then, if you
can go on another day or time, do it on your own schedule. An in-person visit is
the most effective way to have an impact. District offices are not used to constituents
visiting them, so they'll take note if even just a handful of people show up.
If you are not willing to tell your Congressman what to do, who will? They work
for you, and as the boss, it's your civic duty to push them to do the right thing.
Join your fellow patriots on Thursday, April 28, 2011 to Deal in Your District.
Click here to take action now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3ilGSdam27nCU-wgomMdqdQ3QzEhAN0-7Cbs9Zs3QcohI7PHFiqp7klz8kVIC0Dc17mbRqg-E303OdXQHqyrPD4a7PgC7FJ7oU36UQ-JWGsIRYhib6ZoQS]
In This Issue
Take Action - Deal in Your District
Tele Town Hall - Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Useful Links Re: "The Deal
Take Action - Deal in Your District
On Thursday, April 28, 2011, join your fellow patriots at your Representative's
local district office to make a Deal in Your District. Invite your friends, family,
and fellow patriots. The time to stand for the future of America is now. Click here
to Deal in Your District. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3ilGSdam27nCU-wgomMdqdQ3QzEhAN0-7Cbs9Zs3QcohI7PHFiqp7klz8kVIC0Dc17mbRqg-E303OdXQHqyrPD4a7PgC7FJ7oU36UQ-JWGsIRYhib6ZoQS]
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Tele Town Hall - Wednesday, April 27, 2011
On Wednesday, April 27, 2011, Tea Party Patriots will be hosting a Tele Town Hall
to discuss action items for the Thursday, April 28, 2011 Deal in the District campaign.
Click here to sign up for the call. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0uE_INHrqaFeizEermSUwjAcUNfG7FNhaOZf5A6vWLEjn2PlX6csjlNztku9SJs0v-vQYqSQP5Jy11TosCJsfUSrDaADVml_km5iPJFFbqEeqJ4lTukzy2VvYWKm3Skt7f3_7YmRxEDSCXusuGISzQdgzjgCQzdjSoG5D9wNaz8yDFgC2KTxByPVKuE8mXFBy6d--HiL63QEGtxqXfK2S5GhnoT8l3pBNPgtaRIEGMG9oEwtyyUzgS79Im1BUDKj4=]
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Useful Links Re: "The Deal"
Rush Limbaugh's Commentary on the Deal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2fTIPA53RSxhsLUuk4h0MUqiRfDKjVCWjBR8wVxgX2cc535V2wug9lEZqRuoSixL6uMnNP1cl4ofUOzJUzqLv0MiPONrArkJ1h-bZXX98y0pinqssSW5DgFy652OLW7g0wdKoN8Tc7YUlZ2kKedPP7giai2l3CQHc8J6Ko8RsmdPFnIo-bgzDcDkqpN86-bMk=]
Another Segment by Rush [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0fOXiFBeSpXTMTuSqCirBw5Wr6BMTNZJWTf5bKo53ScUdGLl3LjJBhyZxprlsnWikCntQ44LzNlc0OhL0VHEOp2ZgQMfcO7gOdBtfe6zeZrQpKuF2-IiJqQZTinaP9U_8ujL0MOBU7c76D9aMSy2XRZComukU6zL93X_ceP7SXfwtoPdaOJrnYgiu6cb_C2LE=]
(We have had hundreds of emails and calls about Rush's Monday commentary.)
Mark Levin's Commentary on the Deal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO33gjQLdi2-fX9cchy9vW-BQEGaDRcRlhP1MKk-UVOVdqJyDHXvHbQvyD9-wFtcKJRNqGgfBcJluVzmPc2x27H_ByVx_iNg7K2O-J0bYmhcEzUxJgA7ReB4kHuCU-lK8W6tPxN4uvC-4recHIt8OE92GfJNT_P4l6mIbndXNAoTAw==]
Time Magazine - How Big Were Those Cuts Anyway? [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0luo15lvb4KAYj4I5x0iXUsvXqQ6OjjuSb3lBFkesS-L52tAXsek3l6waFuMzR-qHKd3JBIanF2jU8HqYXZnFGAiL5ry3ufQErNVTwwMOPP8MrqbJ8haKcB9eIfCdnpLN3tOVGuLYIXnrOSHhwuOwVB5fQgKsA5939enZ6XHGh-_eJ4ycMiyBul8-xsvPjrUayApbbeWWpki7A4l5RCDQq]
Deal Is $773B Bigger Budget Than FY2008 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO15wvqR00U8sscQQfviuGIazhT93645McYhGykeBW7L_dcl7EF2WkqnmtuXbvYupfV6HcPVXDV_NyXcn4Qxrl8TaYf2hhY7KrYZ2LZNPiMx6WXWjDO-vFl6i8Px8qR4iX3LvJU5BKDUpSF6NjmIrdpNv4_jZh0kSt7gbIsR70Uv9a7z2SNWocfT]
Debt Increase $54B in 8 Days Preceding the Deal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1Y1R5j0QqwkPoLZz0UY-jHWWk9xCubu3T8XKK5lFFp8L_MwpYaoMUiJiDyujYzHzhne1Wv55V9jY8_jgVE-Sw3XejRf4Msg0eKM8IRs2bFeVWtxo6BV983yFD04o62LfeFZlivHQ0coSXrAF9HHXS--RebngMo3chzdXuOyKmErJAywjz5Rt7R]
Washington Post: $352 Million in Cuts [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1fPeJ3Ld1gnpgpSut8-i80r3c8by2PFATpUya0PhKa9plHDvfnphhTRAC_G98eBrHaTHLvqnDm53-qkGwwpFonSUPVS6wXcoxoNgk1zaN-VynDDli908SYjB1WdZ90lqE9_jjMuWOlirNgfPrspkCGISlT840mdxpIFlLIbz-gLgNOctVxTjnr1177tqq4MHRkD-QEBQiPUGSFzw6sjpqlpPq-Jc8EvMSxHRJpHWz6NpHZiCphSd5WtUyjs8g7xDurJRiFe75ZQohP4CjZAqqKhZXf11uf7MzvSJNOTnEeDw==]
And since the Debt Ceiling Vote is Coming Up Soon, here are two relevant links about
Headline from Drudge today: GOP Set To Raise Debt Limit From Level GOP Leader Called
'Beyond Comprehension' in 2010... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3dGZJPafaSlENV2KAhW_ibwQifwRcSvW1CH3hLYvu4FG9kwQpfc-SSStRS0NFBo61makKDeIkXy9W0jJ29jSn7trqEh5Pesbnwjtv-ZEj5Z1XZEP-sp8MCkXly6cPJgpKmzlMnijftQObUrHFGAsRv5ZlR3WBZn2JOhG5B_HjUgl7QdsT6E5Oi]
How Much Has President Obama Accumulated Compared to Other Presidents? [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0Pjek95VLl3njHcTQPcVCJ-XeXh0xCrcyncYdaMewn4TBwJu94eex1lrzbK2a2ZocpArTFC3Jqr4Aztr34U0Vq7zDCmh-BOYd-FJ1gnFE0yeYAYy9BzWPTWdkGOuUuku6vd2Opa0RB6AfLuaBhpKDsaDb4nTEcwnSR8EaFYnaR-FGmvfk3VpOuSbda6Gm_3CQxwokiof9B9w==]
Rush Limbaugh on Debt Ceiling [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3Lvu8NbSlL0fh2xPUkvV1nJI8Kly-2pdwzVU8hU065bssjSUkNN0ywVAo8thYBu-lGy-JSu8fPykulYFY-6Nw4WhH2SOdNc8gGxHw8IgFiADwszWuKLJ4ovSVK4p0x9oBGLuVHLz4i5rrWby-Hdj-DKTrVGjTEb0QcHxH3t30dGODKkO-xf1z0SeXaSdmdeeQ=]
Budget Bill Faces Rocky Vote [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2WYna12XGBbwRg1UGVkXKklspqUyuD4kt2lwZPkPJs9q6g3rYXCzimZUzOOfj3TQ_OexztNJ5zK7puAg0jV8Oi0taMFgaIsg31uyhnEkrZf59DsQYqxYVgzxxvtN3_Sx14SHKUNIM8Jil3r-XCxEIPkrurZkOJ3uv1GcMa05Z36B6NhOWsuUddOi54S6HP5HJQhEK6pkiFQA==]
CBO Estimates $352 million not $38.5 billion [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1fPeJ3Ld1gnpgpSut8-i80r3c8by2PFATpUya0PhKa9plHDvfnphhTRAC_G98eBrHaTHLvqnDm53-qkGwwpFonSUPVS6wXcoxoNgk1zaN-VynDDli908SYjB1WdZ90lqE9_jjMuWOlirNgfPrspkCGISlT840mdxpIFlLIbz-gLgNOctVxTjnr1177tqq4MHRkD-QEBQiPUGSFzw6sjpqlpPq-Jc8EvMSxHRJpHWz6NpHZiCphSd5WtUyjs8g7xDurJRiFe75ZQohP4CjZAqqKhZXf11uf7MzvSJNOTnEeDw==]
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Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2_CtXszoHoq9k2XxSUm3UjlMt0fT41DA4Yjn3Cyir8kNnJi6z-O-ZcePaC6cQ3Fz--TRPbgfhwJCOTmCUYa4I53gW5sorvOLLE3dmbu6BY6sOljwvRfI2nfAJJ_Nh6WUI=],
Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman
TPP Support email: support@teapartypatriots.org [mailto:support@teapartypatriots.org]
TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877
Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com [mailto:jennybethm@gmail.com], Twitter
Join Our Mailing List [http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1102546521477]
Tea Party Sunshine
teapartysunshine [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3QIk6ccdyMf3HppP08X3EqUwims_xNA419bfwwtXluR1wOnPyISNCXnjxovax5mf183-TrKtsGnJLG6mq5pt7w9JfwXWanX72Dry4FTrsZTnxyfOlzASI8]
Join us in shining a light on our governments from the federal to the local level,
sunshine is the best way to ensure transparency and accountability.
American Policy Summit
APS2011 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1IqQ5XLLzrbuvpysu3TQWHSPeONF7x3IUTihiBm-wWvOiHI7vC_7sbyCjyf09Uub99bAtEjqW-mtyng2kugOKtCGVn3_9KbA1wTrT1aNBMwg==]
If you missed the 1st Annual American Policy Summit, you can see what you missed
here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0OA4lLHA6VGkpl1Lsa7j644QSFQPuErqwuS6ORBKzLb-LSJP1im3TyfFs4Tse2pf8vdl7amK0hw2HGjzXoAGOfR-SN8N-T71ZjbKDUl4nmTjHcuulWTxZo].
Quick Links
TeaPartyPatriots.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1mx9yfOeaCxcoQjRYHSFGZEW_iGHXQGWyb9WSCwkEPDw6TErxtuFjjKVAW9scCAhg_iXC4LdB8AGn8n8iEhU-mHUCple6EJZspG57duq0aiw==]
Donate [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1LGQCbUxTb0krvxcLKbESgw27lIiDzzunt0f5LrqJUzyR3kdxPD-EjKVGfVsCwvx-wwsW7G3fMFZTQU1DZaAF6FHnA8sT8u_bkkzntNVeD0mKi0AYEWxmzRqvUltrStO4=]
TPP Store [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3dkFsoFwnyXp4elZGQ2VSdAJWRyxLuoBY5yJUedoz0t1KRt_xABnDubDvdAWnuiAuVY4CMTPBEKrwlTXGHxXgbvjsdfe00A-YXOPVwYFxm8llxz9OsyhA2H0e1rRzylKNm2bOIDkSDng==]
Find A TPP Group [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1jBHISq-rq6fhCaiLxZvv_-gk2ucqZ0kEkyKtOLcQ7Wb5q2ymP_2piEoB2OpDiRrOtGkRQ6-UpmuBOSTrtQxhiHaLhBKFGe-t04Rad5wxHpluNBMYUoLvsVokeFaYuCImDvXsWdOlQZQ==]
Health Care Compacts
HCC Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2imbsi8Sebl0w6AHoExsKFKIvSgQ2BV7_AJJ6YqRC2ERllNLjOWkzf-INRgmh7q5ZgeZIS0_ASUvQ4q31_02KFXJyfKasd2Of4yIiuraFV2pbw7rtlcMiw]
Thanks for Your Support
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TPP New Logo [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0OA4lLHA6VGkpl1Lsa7j644QSFQPuErqwuS6ORBKzLb-LSJP1im3TyfFs4Tse2pf8vdl7amK0hw2HGjzXoAGOfR-SN8N-T71ZjbKDUl4nmTjHcuulWTxZo]
They've said:
"The Tea Party is not growing. They are not strong. You do not need to worry about
how they will react to your vote."
"If you do not like what we are doing, and don't vote with us, you should get the
hell out."
Those sound like words from the White House or Senate leaders don't they? But they're
not. These were comments made by Republican House Leadership and their allies behind
closed doors.
Much of Congress and the White House and the Republican leadership in the House,
used our military as a negotiating chip while service men and women risked their
lives for us.
Washington then passed a budget deal using fuzzy math that only cut $352 million:
$99,648,000,000 short of the $100 billion promised. They spend roughly $6 million
per minute, so that's 51 minutes of spending.
Have you had enough yet? Do you like being downplayed and disregarded by the Party
who won a majority based on our core values of fiscal responsibility, constitutionally
limited government, and free markets? How do you feel about the military being used
as a bargaining chip, not just by the Democrats but also by the Republicans? How
would you feel if you were standing up for our core values in a meeting and told
that you could get the hell out for standing up for those values?
Some may be so frustrated that fighting seems pointless. The system is corrupt and
sometimes it seems impossible to overcome the corruption. Some ask, "Why fight a
fight that seems like it cannot be won?" We understand that for some, the frustration
can be overwhelming.
Thankfully, our Founding Fathers didn't give up, and they were fighting against
odds far greater than these, and taking far greater risks. We cannot give up. We
must continue to stand.
We must dig in, stick to our values and fight for what we believe in. We are not
just fighting for ourselves but for the future of this nation.
As Congress emerges from its spring recess we are faced with two more critical battles:
the potential debt ceiling increase and the budget for fiscal year 2012.
Patriots across the nation must stand up now to be heard. Now is the time to tell
your Congressman we've had enough of their meaningless backroom deals and infighting.
We expect real changes now. And for those in office who are standing with us, we
must let them know we are standing with them.
This Thursday, April 28th at 12:30pm local time, Patriots across the nation will
head to their Congressman's local office to share their thoughts as constituents.
Click here for more details. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2BMb-81_YbiLYw3_xGPCFbRD0JmeD8VrkFwx-HM8pmbzeJ58OGXrhpFfkZmkZX6yZzc88hRIG-U2cZNEq1NaXp68z9pjnYlhKB2DAjqYtWwj9NSuSie2ct]
We need to tell them to deal in their districts, not in Washington. Our deal is
1.' No Debt Ceiling Increase'. Do not raise the debt ceiling. Our credit
is maxed out and it is time to cut America's credit card.
2. Support the 'Full Faith and Credit Act'. Urge them to support the Full
Faith and Credit Act introduced by Sen. Toomey. This will insure that America
pays our debt first and does not default on it.
3. No Tax Increases. Tell them not to raise taxes. Tax increases at this
stage in our economy will further slow the economic recovery. They have enough
revenue to run the government.
Tell them they work for you and your neighbors and you are watching them closely.
You expect they will ensure open and honest debates around these issues in the coming
Ask your Congressman or their staff how they will vote and report back to us. We
will send a follow up email on Friday with a means to do that. We are going to
make a record of how they plan to vote on the following items. Please be sure to
ask these questions:
· *Will you vote to increase the debt limit or not?
· *Will you vote to pass the Full Faith and Credit Act to ensure America does not default on its debt?
· *If it is a Senator, will you use Rule 14 to bring the Full Faith and Credit Act to a vote on the Senate floor?
· *Will you vote against tax increases?
Click here now to get more information on how you can talk to your member of Congress
Can't make it to your local district office at 12:30pm on Thursday? Then, if you
can go on another day or time, do it on your own schedule. An in-person visit is
the most effective way to have an impact. District offices are not used to constituents
visiting them, so they'll take note if even just a handful of people show up.
If you are not willing to tell your Congressman what to do, who will? They work
for you, and as the boss, it's your civic duty to push them to do the right thing.
Join your fellow patriots on Thursday, April 28, 2011 to Deal in Your District.
Click here to take action now! [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3ilGSdam27nCU-wgomMdqdQ3QzEhAN0-7Cbs9Zs3QcohI7PHFiqp7klz8kVIC0Dc17mbRqg-E303OdXQHqyrPD4a7PgC7FJ7oU36UQ-JWGsIRYhib6ZoQS]
In This Issue
Take Action - Deal in Your District
Tele Town Hall - Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Useful Links Re: "The Deal
Take Action - Deal in Your District
On Thursday, April 28, 2011, join your fellow patriots at your Representative's
local district office to make a Deal in Your District. Invite your friends, family,
and fellow patriots. The time to stand for the future of America is now. Click here
to Deal in Your District. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3ilGSdam27nCU-wgomMdqdQ3QzEhAN0-7Cbs9Zs3QcohI7PHFiqp7klz8kVIC0Dc17mbRqg-E303OdXQHqyrPD4a7PgC7FJ7oU36UQ-JWGsIRYhib6ZoQS]
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Tele Town Hall - Wednesday, April 27, 2011
On Wednesday, April 27, 2011, Tea Party Patriots will be hosting a Tele Town Hall
to discuss action items for the Thursday, April 28, 2011 Deal in the District campaign.
Click here to sign up for the call. [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0uE_INHrqaFeizEermSUwjAcUNfG7FNhaOZf5A6vWLEjn2PlX6csjlNztku9SJs0v-vQYqSQP5Jy11TosCJsfUSrDaADVml_km5iPJFFbqEeqJ4lTukzy2VvYWKm3Skt7f3_7YmRxEDSCXusuGISzQdgzjgCQzdjSoG5D9wNaz8yDFgC2KTxByPVKuE8mXFBy6d--HiL63QEGtxqXfK2S5GhnoT8l3pBNPgtaRIEGMG9oEwtyyUzgS79Im1BUDKj4=]
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Useful Links Re: "The Deal"
Rush Limbaugh's Commentary on the Deal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2fTIPA53RSxhsLUuk4h0MUqiRfDKjVCWjBR8wVxgX2cc535V2wug9lEZqRuoSixL6uMnNP1cl4ofUOzJUzqLv0MiPONrArkJ1h-bZXX98y0pinqssSW5DgFy652OLW7g0wdKoN8Tc7YUlZ2kKedPP7giai2l3CQHc8J6Ko8RsmdPFnIo-bgzDcDkqpN86-bMk=]
Another Segment by Rush [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0fOXiFBeSpXTMTuSqCirBw5Wr6BMTNZJWTf5bKo53ScUdGLl3LjJBhyZxprlsnWikCntQ44LzNlc0OhL0VHEOp2ZgQMfcO7gOdBtfe6zeZrQpKuF2-IiJqQZTinaP9U_8ujL0MOBU7c76D9aMSy2XRZComukU6zL93X_ceP7SXfwtoPdaOJrnYgiu6cb_C2LE=]
(We have had hundreds of emails and calls about Rush's Monday commentary.)
Mark Levin's Commentary on the Deal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO33gjQLdi2-fX9cchy9vW-BQEGaDRcRlhP1MKk-UVOVdqJyDHXvHbQvyD9-wFtcKJRNqGgfBcJluVzmPc2x27H_ByVx_iNg7K2O-J0bYmhcEzUxJgA7ReB4kHuCU-lK8W6tPxN4uvC-4recHIt8OE92GfJNT_P4l6mIbndXNAoTAw==]
Time Magazine - How Big Were Those Cuts Anyway? [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0luo15lvb4KAYj4I5x0iXUsvXqQ6OjjuSb3lBFkesS-L52tAXsek3l6waFuMzR-qHKd3JBIanF2jU8HqYXZnFGAiL5ry3ufQErNVTwwMOPP8MrqbJ8haKcB9eIfCdnpLN3tOVGuLYIXnrOSHhwuOwVB5fQgKsA5939enZ6XHGh-_eJ4ycMiyBul8-xsvPjrUayApbbeWWpki7A4l5RCDQq]
Deal Is $773B Bigger Budget Than FY2008 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO15wvqR00U8sscQQfviuGIazhT93645McYhGykeBW7L_dcl7EF2WkqnmtuXbvYupfV6HcPVXDV_NyXcn4Qxrl8TaYf2hhY7KrYZ2LZNPiMx6WXWjDO-vFl6i8Px8qR4iX3LvJU5BKDUpSF6NjmIrdpNv4_jZh0kSt7gbIsR70Uv9a7z2SNWocfT]
Debt Increase $54B in 8 Days Preceding the Deal [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1Y1R5j0QqwkPoLZz0UY-jHWWk9xCubu3T8XKK5lFFp8L_MwpYaoMUiJiDyujYzHzhne1Wv55V9jY8_jgVE-Sw3XejRf4Msg0eKM8IRs2bFeVWtxo6BV983yFD04o62LfeFZlivHQ0coSXrAF9HHXS--RebngMo3chzdXuOyKmErJAywjz5Rt7R]
Washington Post: $352 Million in Cuts [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1fPeJ3Ld1gnpgpSut8-i80r3c8by2PFATpUya0PhKa9plHDvfnphhTRAC_G98eBrHaTHLvqnDm53-qkGwwpFonSUPVS6wXcoxoNgk1zaN-VynDDli908SYjB1WdZ90lqE9_jjMuWOlirNgfPrspkCGISlT840mdxpIFlLIbz-gLgNOctVxTjnr1177tqq4MHRkD-QEBQiPUGSFzw6sjpqlpPq-Jc8EvMSxHRJpHWz6NpHZiCphSd5WtUyjs8g7xDurJRiFe75ZQohP4CjZAqqKhZXf11uf7MzvSJNOTnEeDw==]
And since the Debt Ceiling Vote is Coming Up Soon, here are two relevant links about
Headline from Drudge today: GOP Set To Raise Debt Limit From Level GOP Leader Called
'Beyond Comprehension' in 2010... [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3dGZJPafaSlENV2KAhW_ibwQifwRcSvW1CH3hLYvu4FG9kwQpfc-SSStRS0NFBo61makKDeIkXy9W0jJ29jSn7trqEh5Pesbnwjtv-ZEj5Z1XZEP-sp8MCkXly6cPJgpKmzlMnijftQObUrHFGAsRv5ZlR3WBZn2JOhG5B_HjUgl7QdsT6E5Oi]
How Much Has President Obama Accumulated Compared to Other Presidents? [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0Pjek95VLl3njHcTQPcVCJ-XeXh0xCrcyncYdaMewn4TBwJu94eex1lrzbK2a2ZocpArTFC3Jqr4Aztr34U0Vq7zDCmh-BOYd-FJ1gnFE0yeYAYy9BzWPTWdkGOuUuku6vd2Opa0RB6AfLuaBhpKDsaDb4nTEcwnSR8EaFYnaR-FGmvfk3VpOuSbda6Gm_3CQxwokiof9B9w==]
Rush Limbaugh on Debt Ceiling [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3Lvu8NbSlL0fh2xPUkvV1nJI8Kly-2pdwzVU8hU065bssjSUkNN0ywVAo8thYBu-lGy-JSu8fPykulYFY-6Nw4WhH2SOdNc8gGxHw8IgFiADwszWuKLJ4ovSVK4p0x9oBGLuVHLz4i5rrWby-Hdj-DKTrVGjTEb0QcHxH3t30dGODKkO-xf1z0SeXaSdmdeeQ=]
Budget Bill Faces Rocky Vote [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2WYna12XGBbwRg1UGVkXKklspqUyuD4kt2lwZPkPJs9q6g3rYXCzimZUzOOfj3TQ_OexztNJ5zK7puAg0jV8Oi0taMFgaIsg31uyhnEkrZf59DsQYqxYVgzxxvtN3_Sx14SHKUNIM8Jil3r-XCxEIPkrurZkOJ3uv1GcMa05Z36B6NhOWsuUddOi54S6HP5HJQhEK6pkiFQA==]
CBO Estimates $352 million not $38.5 billion [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1fPeJ3Ld1gnpgpSut8-i80r3c8by2PFATpUya0PhKa9plHDvfnphhTRAC_G98eBrHaTHLvqnDm53-qkGwwpFonSUPVS6wXcoxoNgk1zaN-VynDDli908SYjB1WdZ90lqE9_jjMuWOlirNgfPrspkCGISlT840mdxpIFlLIbz-gLgNOctVxTjnr1177tqq4MHRkD-QEBQiPUGSFzw6sjpqlpPq-Jc8EvMSxHRJpHWz6NpHZiCphSd5WtUyjs8g7xDurJRiFe75ZQohP4CjZAqqKhZXf11uf7MzvSJNOTnEeDw==]
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Your Tea Party Patriots National Coordinator Team,
Debbie Dooley, Jenny Beth Martin [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO2_CtXszoHoq9k2XxSUm3UjlMt0fT41DA4Yjn3Cyir8kNnJi6z-O-ZcePaC6cQ3Fz--TRPbgfhwJCOTmCUYa4I53gW5sorvOLLE3dmbu6BY6sOljwvRfI2nfAJJ_Nh6WUI=],
Mark Meckler, Sally Oljar, Diana Reimer, and Dawn Wildman
TPP Support email: support@teapartypatriots.org [mailto:support@teapartypatriots.org]
TPP Support phone number: 404-593-0877
Jenny Beth Martin (jennybethm@gmail.com [mailto:jennybethm@gmail.com], Twitter
Join Our Mailing List [http://visitor.r20.constantcontact.com/email.jsp?m=1102546521477]
Tea Party Sunshine
teapartysunshine [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3QIk6ccdyMf3HppP08X3EqUwims_xNA419bfwwtXluR1wOnPyISNCXnjxovax5mf183-TrKtsGnJLG6mq5pt7w9JfwXWanX72Dry4FTrsZTnxyfOlzASI8]
Join us in shining a light on our governments from the federal to the local level,
sunshine is the best way to ensure transparency and accountability.
American Policy Summit
APS2011 [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1IqQ5XLLzrbuvpysu3TQWHSPeONF7x3IUTihiBm-wWvOiHI7vC_7sbyCjyf09Uub99bAtEjqW-mtyng2kugOKtCGVn3_9KbA1wTrT1aNBMwg==]
If you missed the 1st Annual American Policy Summit, you can see what you missed
here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO0OA4lLHA6VGkpl1Lsa7j644QSFQPuErqwuS6ORBKzLb-LSJP1im3TyfFs4Tse2pf8vdl7amK0hw2HGjzXoAGOfR-SN8N-T71ZjbKDUl4nmTjHcuulWTxZo].
Quick Links
TeaPartyPatriots.org [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1mx9yfOeaCxcoQjRYHSFGZEW_iGHXQGWyb9WSCwkEPDw6TErxtuFjjKVAW9scCAhg_iXC4LdB8AGn8n8iEhU-mHUCple6EJZspG57duq0aiw==]
Donate [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1LGQCbUxTb0krvxcLKbESgw27lIiDzzunt0f5LrqJUzyR3kdxPD-EjKVGfVsCwvx-wwsW7G3fMFZTQU1DZaAF6FHnA8sT8u_bkkzntNVeD0mKi0AYEWxmzRqvUltrStO4=]
TPP Store [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO3dkFsoFwnyXp4elZGQ2VSdAJWRyxLuoBY5yJUedoz0t1KRt_xABnDubDvdAWnuiAuVY4CMTPBEKrwlTXGHxXgbvjsdfe00A-YXOPVwYFxm8llxz9OsyhA2H0e1rRzylKNm2bOIDkSDng==]
Find A TPP Group [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=fmtjo9cab&et=1105288859990&s=353731&e=001D2TCYdv2iO1jBHISq-rq6fhCaiLxZvv_-gk2ucqZ0kEkyKtOLcQ7Wb5q2ymP_2piEoB2OpDiRrOtGkRQ6-UpmuBOSTrtQxhiHaLhBKFGe-t04Rad5wxHpluNBMYUoLvsVokeFaYuCImDvXsWdOlQZQ==]
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Alexander of York
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