Dear Patriot,
It’s no surprise that the newly formed “Super Committee” in Congress, tasked with finding $1.5 trillion in

spending cuts, is going to consider passing new stimulus spending.
We know that these politicians can’t be trusted when it comes to taxpayer money. They are more concerned with advancing their own careers and representing special interests than they are in serving “We the People!”
Thankfully, there are a handful of patriots left in Congress, and there is one plan that will provide results, balance the budget, and cut up Congress’s credit card. Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL) has introduced the “One Percent Spending Reduction Act of 2011.”
This bill, H.R. 1848, will cut 1% of the federal budget each year for the next six years. By 2018, it will install a cap on federal spending, limiting it to just 18% of GDP. By 2019, the federal government will have a balanced budget and a spending cap. We will have cut up Washington’s credit card and forced them to live within their means!
This is an area where we can make a HUGE difference. We’ve sent almost 700,000 letters to Congress on various issues, and Congress has taken notice! Activism is at the core of the Tea Party movement, and you can take just a few moments to make an impact.
We have an opportunity to restore fiscal sanity to Washington, and when we flood Congress with letters, the politicians start to wake up! You can use our
state-of-the-art petition system to contact your elected representatives and tell them to put America on the path to a balanced budget by supporting Connie Mack’s “One Percent Spending Reduction Act.”
We cover the costs of using the petition system, and a contribution is not required to participate, but
your generous donations allow us to continue to offer this service free-of-charge to all Americans!
Thank you,
Todd Cefaratti
Freedom Organizer